Our Team

Meet the people who make up Pintail.

Daniel Fallas-Naranjo


Reynolds Flowe


Andreas Heinzelmann

Director, Industrial Real Estate

Miller Howard

Director of Marketing

Stewart Johnson


Ross Kester

Partner, Broker-in-Charge

Britta Lahr

Sales Support Specialist

Chip Phillips

Development Manager

Robert Satcher, Jr.


Lee Anne Scales

Director of Growth

Brian Scurlock

Senior Broker

David Sigmon, CCIM, SIOR

Partner, Broker

Tyson Smoak, CCIM, SIOR

Partner, Broker

Brian Sparks, CPM

Managing Partner - Property Services

Kendra Sparks, CPA

Director of Accounting - Property Services

Anna Newton Spiers, MBA

Broker Associate

Kristin Stageberg

Executive Assistant

Robert Taylor

Property Management Associate

Josh Tew, CCIM

Partner, Broker

Matt Vanvick, CCIM, SIOR

Partner, Broker

Penn Williams

Partner, Chief Operating Officer

Stuart Wyeth

Partner, Director of Development

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